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Who is a Future Leader?

Innovative talent drives the behavioral health, post-acute care, and aging industries forward, forging a path to the future with limitless potential and transformative thinking. The future leaders of healthcare are already within our ranks, and the companies at the forefront of success are the ones retaining them at all levels.

A Future Leader is:

  • A high-performing employee, age 40 years or younger, shaping the next decade of care delivery
  • A passionate worker who knows how to put their vision into action for everyone they serve
  • An advocate for older adults, patients, residents, and the committed professionals who ensure their well-being

Behavioral Health Future Leaders 2025

Behavioral health future leaders are helping stakeholders unlock holistic, patient-centered care in the behavioral health, mental health, substance use disorder and addiction recovery fields, among many others. They are spearheading the transformation of one of the fastest-growing segments in the healthcare continuum, and they are driving outcomes as demand skyrockets across the country.

Submit your behavioral health Future Leaders nomination here.


Complex Rehab Technology Future Leaders 2025

Future leaders in Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) are dedicated to measuring outcomes to demonstrate the many functional benefits of seating and wheeled mobility, and to creating the best solution for every individual wheelchair rider. From researchers and clinicians to CRT providers and engineers, these future leaders are driven by the goals of inclusion, independence, and innovation, all while keeping clients and families at the heart of their work.

Submit your complex rehab technology Future Leaders nomination here.


Home Health & Home Care Future Leaders 2025

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Home health and home care future leaders are helping organizations meet the increasing demand for in-home care delivery. They are tirelessly managing an industry-wide transformation, steering home health and home care businesses toward a new era in healthcare. As both in-home service providers and vendors, these individuals have embraced a new suite of technology, tools, and training techniques to deliver top-level care for older adults in the comfort of their homes.

Submit your home health and home care Future Leaders nomination here.


Home Medical Equipment Future Leaders 2025

Home Medical Equipment (HME) future leaders are reimagining and rewriting the best ways to provide the medically necessary equipment that enables older adults and people with disabilities or chronic conditions to live actively and safely in their homes. From improving order accuracy, to ensuring timely and efficient resupply, to providing patient-centric education, these future leaders are advocates for better outcomes and consumer choice.

Submit your home medical equipment Future Leaders nomination here.


Hospice & Palliative Care Future Leaders 2025

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Hospice and palliative care future leaders are leading organizations through unprecedented change, redefining the standard of hospice and palliative care and creating new partnerships that help keep recipients comfortable during care transitions. These leaders are dedicated to patient care. By embracing innovative business, technology and care strategies that give peace of mind to everyone involved, hospice and palliative care future leaders are single handedly transforming the hospice experience as we know it.

Submit your hospice & palliative care Future Leaders nomination here.


Senior Housing & Senior Living Future Leaders 2025

Senior housing and senior living future leaders are guiding organizations through the reinvention of their industry. These individuals include owners and operators, technology vendors, and other service providers in finance, construction and beyond. The aging industry’s demographic boom has created new opportunities for future leaders to drive the industry forward.

Submit your senior housing and senior living Future Leaders nomination here.


Skilled Nursing Future Leaders 2025

Skilled nursing future leaders demonstrate innovation and leadership within this dynamic industry. These individuals may be directly or indirectly involved in the business of skilled nursing, such as owners and operators, vendors, technology leaders, construction professionals, clinical operations staff, and care delivery team members. Skilled nursing future leaders are raising the bar for patient care in homes and healthcare facilities across the country.

Submit your skilled nursing Future Leaders nomination here.

Important Dates for 2025

  • 02/03
    Nominations Open
  • 04/30
    Early Bird Entry Deadline
  • 05/31
    Final Entry Deadline
  • 06/18
    Class of 2025 Announced

What do members of the Future Leaders Class of 2025 receive?

  • Recognition on each of the respective WTWH Healthcare verticals and globally on WTWH Healthcare, a WTWH Media company
  • Complimentary ticket to an event representing their industry
  • Digital badge & social assets
      • Ability to order physical plaque here


Who are the Future Leaders Awards meant to showcase?

The Future Leaders Awards showcase leaders with the potential to rise in the ranks and take on a greater role as an industry thought leader or influencer. The nominees should be those who have not previously received many, if any, industry accolades.

Who is eligible for a Future Leaders award?

We are seeking submissions from leaders under 40 years old, with a minimum of three (3) years experience in a given industry, who are innovating and providing leadership within their organizations — leaders who demonstrate a passion for and commitment to behavioral health and the care continuum for older adults.

How much does it cost to enter the awards program?

Early bird entries cost $525 USD through April 30, 2025. Entries submitted from May 1 to May 31, 2025 are priced at $625 USD.

Payment method is by credit card only. Failure to pay the entry fee will prohibit consideration for the application to the Future Leaders Awards program.

I’m not an owner, operator, agency, provider or health system. Can I still enter?

Yes, we will accept vendor nominations in the various categories outlined. If you have further questions on what category is most appropriate for you, please email us at [email protected].

I work for a large organization or a franchise. Will you accept more than one entry for our organization?

Yes. We will accept a maximum of four (4) nominations for individuals from a single organization. Once the limit is achieved, any nominations received will be notified that the maximum number of submissions has already been reached for the annual program.

What information is required with my submission?

All requirements can be found in the Competition Details. All information provided may be published or used as part of the awards program. Do not submit private information or any information that you do not have permission to share publicly.

Are these awards for individuals working in the for-profit sector only?

No. We encourage those working in either non-profit or public / governmental agencies to apply as well.

Can a group of individuals be nominated together?

No. We are looking to highlight individual contributions.

Can I enter if I’ve received other industry recognition and honors for work in my field?

Yes, but we encourage submissions for individuals who may not have previously received other awards or accolades.

Do I need to be a company founder or “entrepreneurial“ to apply?

No. We encourage everyone to participate who has demonstrable leadership experience, and who meets the overall criteria to apply for the awards.

We are a startup/small business. Can we nominate someone from our C-suite?

Yes, as long as the individual fits the criteria.

How do I nominate a Future Leader?

To nominate a Future Leader, please fill out the entry form for the appropriate category:

  • Behavioral Health
  • Complex Rehab Technology (Mobility Management)
  • Home Health and Home Care
  • Home Medical Equipment (HME Business)
  • Hospice and Palliative Care
  • Senior Housing
  • Skilled Nursing (SNF)

Can someone who has won a Future Leaders award in the past be nominated again?

We kindly ask that anyone who has previously won a Future Leaders award not be nominated again.

Am I eligible even if I work at an organization outside the United States?

Yes. We accept submissions from those working at organizations outside of the United States.

Who makes the final selection of the members of the Future Leaders Class of 2025?

The editorial team for each appropriate WTWH Healthcare, a WTWH Media company, vertical — Behavioral Health Business, HME Business, Home Health Care News, Hospice News, Mobility Management, Senior Housing News, and Skilled Nursing News — reviews and determines the Future Leaders class for each respective industry.

What information do I need to provide to submit a complete Future Leaders entry?

To submit a complete Future Leaders entry, you must include the following information:

  • Select the industry in which the person works
  • Nominee contact information, including name, email address and phone number
  • Nominator contact information, including name, email address and phone number
  • A written statement (500 words or less) outlining the nominee’s qualifications and how they meet the judging criteria for the Future Leaders Awards program
  • Current resume (Word or PDF format)
  • High-resolution headshot of the nominee (.JPG or .PNG file accepted)
  • You must submit at least two (2) professional letters of recommendation (Word or PDF format)
    • One (1) internal letter of recommendation and one (1) external letter of recommendation
    • We will accept a maximum of four (4) professional letters of recommendation – one (1) of them must be an external professional letter of recommendation
  • Confirm the nominee will be 40 or under as of December 31, 2025

If you have additional questions, please contact [email protected].

Is the 500-word statement to be written by the nominee or by the person submitting the nomination?

The statement is written by the person submitting the nomination.

Will I know who evaluated and voted for each nomination?

No. The evaluation process is confidential.

Can I review the submissions and scores of the entire applicant pool?

No. All submissions are confidential and submission data is not shared.

What do I receive as a member of the Future Leaders Class of 2025?

Members of the Class will receive:

  • Recognition on each of the respective WTWH Healthcare, a WTWH Media company, verticals and globally on WTWH Healthcare
  • Complimentary ticket to an upcoming industry event
  • Digital badge & social assets
  • Ability to order a physical plaque here.

Where are the official rules?

You can view the terms and conditions of the program here.

Who do I contact with additional questions?

[email protected]